How to Prevent Pedestrian Accidents

Awareness is the key to ending pedestrian accidents. When it comes to these types of accidents, pedestrians always lose simply because of the size and weight of the vehicle. While there is little that a pedestrian can do to prevent a driver from driving distractedly or negligently, there are certain steps that they can take to increase their own levels of safety. Here are some helpful tips from SGP Law for drivers and pedestrians alike to prevent pedestrian accidents in Mesa.

As a pedestrian, the best ways to protect yourself from becoming a victim of an accident include:

As a driver, it is your responsibility to look out for pedestrians and take extra precautions to keep from hitting them, including the following:

The tragedy of a pedestrian accident is something that nobody wants to encounter. The best way to protect yourself from such accidents is to stay aware and to also take extra care to make up for people who may not be paying attention. It is estimated that as many as 99 percent of pedestrian accidents could be eliminated if people took a little more caution at crosswalks.